Good afternoon my darling readers! I’m here coming to you live with the astrological lowdown on which most cheating zodiac sign simply can’t be trusted to keep it in their pants.
Thank you for reading this post, don't forget to subscribe!After decades of providing guidance to the lovelorn, I’ve analyzed patterns of promiscuity, pulsations of polyamory, and of course, procrastinations of purity. So pour yourself a piping cuppa and prepare for a juicy tattle-all on the signs that will try your patience in the bedroom and beyond. Let’s rank these rascals from risky to reckless!
I provide a conclusion with overall advice for maintaining fidelity no matter your celestial blueprint. For those seeking astrological wisdom on commitment challenges or just wanting an intriguing read, this informative yet entertaining article delivers invaluable insights about unfaithful zodiac signs.
Discover which signs are notoriously known for being unfaithful by checking out our article on the Top 12 Loyal Zodiac Signs Built for Loyalty.
12. Most Cheating Zodiac Sign: Taurus

Sturdy Stallions like stability and are steadfastly devoted to pleasures of the flesh. The sensual pleasures Taurus craves, they give proudly to their partner and expect the same sating satisfaction in return.
Food, beauty, music, and making sweet love under the stars are what keep this bull faithful and unfazed by temptation’s call.
11. Most Cheating Zodiac Sign: Virgo

Neat and tidy Virgos aren’t one for messy mingling. Devoted to order, routine, and cleanliness, these fusspots don’t have time for sneaky rendezvous that disrupt daily duties and diminish dignity.
Falling for another would take extensive planning and even then, Virgo’s harsh criticism of themselves and others makes unfaithful acts seem too illogical and complicated to consummate. Their perfectionist personalities simply cannot stand deceit.
10. Most Cheating Zodiac Sign: Pisces

Empathetic Pisces float through life embedded in dreams, detachment from reality and other people’s feelings. Abandoning a lover wouldn’t upset Pisces as much as it would confuse them. Their spectral nature drifts without setting anchor anywhere too permanently.
However, wanderlust only takes them so far – Pisces’ deep romanticism and compassion for others keep them caring too much to carelessly compromise commitment.
9. Most Cheating Zodiac Sign: Scorpio

Intense Scorpio isn’t afraid of feelings – they’re afraid of getting hurt. bonds with this sign plunge as profoundly as their wrath rises when partnerships break. Their passionate nature longs to experience ecstasy and agony to their limits but won’t gamble losing yet another soul to their scorpion’s sting without severe cause.
Scorpio’s possessiveness of what’s theirs and thirst for thrills raises red flags, yet also anchors them staunchly where devotion has been declared.
Want to know your partner’s chances of being unfaithful based on their zodiac sign? Read our deep dive on Is Scorpio Lucky In Love?
8. Most Cheating Zodiac Sign: Leo

Generous Leo craves an admiring audience and isn’t shy about admitting attractions. But this lion’s pride is just as quick to defend beloved partners. Leos won’t wander far for fear of tarnishing their golden reputation or diminishing what they’ve declared their own.
That said, deprive a Leo of their kingdom and someone braver may succeed in stealing their affections with gifts of glory, praise, and fulfillment of abandoned needs until the cheating’s complete.
7. Most Cheating Zodiac Sign: Libra

Libra longs for balance, beauty, diplomacy – and occasionally gets bored! Without constant mental and physical stimulation, the scales risk tipping as grass looks greener elsewhere.
Still, Libras understand everybody’s perspective too cunningly to burn bridges by breaking vows without tactfully ending one partnership first. Affairs only happen when investment in another seems fairer – they’ll never dishonor others or themselves through clandestine encounters.
6. Less Likely To Cheat Zodiac Sign: Aries

Ram-like Aries butts heads without reservation but rarely seeks more than passionate pastimes. One-night stands are far more familiar to this sign than “steadies.” Monogamy requires commitment they’re sometimes too eager to explore to provide.
Wanderlust and chasing thrills through flings fulfill independency which Aries relishes above relationships. However, their fiery hearts also wield rare dedication making casual flings common yet cheating on trusted bondmates still quite uncommon.
Learn more about the psychological traits of each zodiac sign and their potential for infidelity by exploring our page on the 13 Psychological Facts About Aries Women.
5. Less Likely to Cheat Zodiac Sign: Capricorn

Sensible mountain goat Capricorn sees relationships as responsibilities and won’t break vows without cause, though their lighter sides do occasionally crave escape. Work-consuming lives can foster disconnect unless sea-goat mates find activities rekindling passion’s embers weekly.
Affluent Caps don’t easily toss aside reputations either; unfaithful acts must seem opportunities presenting solutions for neglect, not gratuitous greed. Strategic, sensible souls rarely cheat without rationalization.
4. Less Likely to Cheat Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius

Blundering bowman Sagittarius never met an adventure they didn’t want to experience. Monogamy morosely muffles their thrill-seeking soul. Without travel, education, and newness constantly stimulating free-spirited archers, outside interests can easily enter.
Sagittarius sometimes loses focus on relationships, forgetting vows’ importance while chasing curiosities. However, their honest, loyal hearts mean straying usually stems from the absence of stimulation rather than wickedness of will.
3. Least Cheating Zodiac Sign: Gemini

Talkative twins seldom sit still! Without sufficient socializing and brain engagement daily, Geminis grow dishonest daring themselves into diversions. However, constant curious companions fulfill inquisitiveness sparing most brothers this misstep.
For unfavored siblings left wanting excitement, wandering eyes find what wandering hands follow by fate or folly. Monogamy requires Gemini partners mentally thrust matchless memories monthly to harness honest hearts.
2. Least Cheating Zodiac Sign: Aquarius

Unconventional Aquarius marches to their own beat without bias for outdated traditions like fidelity. Mind over heart prioritizes nonconformity and novel experiences, leaving feelings incidental.
While not prone to possessiveness or games, Aquarians detach once attachment halts stimulating their theories which can quickly cool flames. Intellectual air signs need mentally satisfying mates continually hyping humanitarian interests outside romance alone.
1. Least Cheating Zodiac Sign: Cancer

Moody moon child Cancer wears hearts on its sleeves invested deeply yet fragilely in relationships, smothering under others’ desires. Emotional tides ebb and flow with little warning of their whims and wounds.
When devotion dims, crabs crawl elsewhere soothing sorrow’s stings however momentarily. New intimacy mends cracks in confidence till nostalgia calls them to crawl back with crocodile apologies. Cancers’ empathy makes betrayals rarer than perceived yet undying loyalty a tough target without enough nurturance.
So there we have it my dears – my definitive dish on unfaithful zodiac signs most likely to stray! Do any of these signs resonate with your own experiences? Fear not, with understanding their cues and needs, as well as enforcing boundaries protecting your own heart, even the most mischievous star-seeds can remain faithful.
Simply keep communication and commitment levels consistent to curb curiosity. And remember – these are simply astrological tendencies, not dictations of your destiny. Free will allows responding constructively, not reactionarily. Wishing you wisdom and fulfillment in love! Let me know if you need any personal guidance navigating your own celestial relations. For now, lots of luck out there!